Convaid Replacement Parts can help you get the Convaid Replacement Parts that you need.
Please provide the following information so that we can generate a Quote for you. All Convaid Replacement Parts require a price quote. Please allow 7 to 10 business days to receive your price quote via email. Once you receive your quote, call our Customer Service at 800-371-2778 and reference the Quote Number to place your order.
Parts will ship from Convaid’s warehouse in California, however, they are currently having unprecedented delays and all parts shipments currently take a minimum of three to four months prior to shipment. Expedited shipping for Replacement Parts is not available at this time.
Convaid carries replacement parts for chairs up to 5 years from the date of manufacture. Replacement parts are not available for chairs over 10 years from the date of manufacture. For chairs between 5 and 10 years from the date of manufacture Convaid will do their best to provide replacement parts but availability and/or compatibility with currently available parts cannot be guaranteed. These quotes will take additional time for review to see if they have necessary parts.
All replacement parts available as a kit or assembly are only sold as a full kit or assembly and cannot be broken down and sold as their individual components. For example only complete wheel assemblies are available, individual inner tubes or tire treads are not available.
Please note a Serial Number and Date of Manufacture are required for all parts orders. Convaid no longer sells replacement parts for Serial Numbers starting with the letter “A”. The Serial Number and Date of Manufacture can be found on a label along the inside of the chairs frame. It’s sometimes easiest to locate if you turn the chair upside down.
We are unable to process requests for parts without a valid Serial Number and Date of Manufacture.
Please provide the following information in your quote request:
- Model & Color(Ex: Rodeo 16 Transit, Sassy Purple):
- Serial No. & Date of Manufacture (Ex: S/N: RD16T-2129074 07/2021):
- Description of Part Needed (please include quantity, type, whether it is the left or right, etc.):
- Name:
- Company (if applicable):
- Street Address:
- City:
- State:
- Zip Code:
- Phone Number:
- Email to send Estimate to:
Please email the information to: