Therapeutic Mattresses Clinically Proven to Improve Restorative Sleep
Sleep enhances well-being through the restoration of body, mind and spirit. Rapid eye movement sleep (REM) or deep sleep is the time that the brain repairs itself by achieving brain wave regulation and creating needed connections through the brain. Most of us have experienced the results of lack of sleep in ourselves and others. The situation is far from desirable! Children and adults with special needs including sensory integration dysfunction, spasticity, contractures, pain, brain trauma, spina bifida,and cerebral palsy are frequently awakened during the night. Sleep disorders and sleep deprivation have been clinically linked to such health problems as high blood pressure, obesity, negative mood and behavior. Understanding the impact that sleep has on health and disease can help us open our minds to sleep therapies and 'extraordinary technologies’ that can improve sleep patterns, diminish disease, help manage pain and improve overall Quality of Life for those with special needs and their families.
It is clear that the benefits of a good night’s sleep for individuals with special needs and their families cannot be under estimated. Sleeping and positioning systems that provide the ultimate in contoured support, pressure relief and the overall comfort is available in the latest mattress technology by ThevoSleepingStar.The Thevo-Adapt Micro-Stimulation system (MiS) is the unique technology behind the clinically proven Sleeping Star Suspended Mattress System. The MiS has been proven to prevent pressure sores and improve blood flow. The ThevoSleepingStar sleeping system also promotes pain management and increased body awareness thru proprioceptive feedback (deep touch), all clinically proven to improve Restorative Sleep.
Adaptive Beds that Ensure Safety so Everyone can Sleep
Another reason that caregivers often miss out on sleep is their concern for a family member with special needs and their safety. Beds by George has you covered. These beds have been thoughtfully designed and manufactured to ensure the following: Fall Protection, Protection from Entanglement/ Entrapment and Containment. So, you can relax!