Rifton products are made in the USA with pride and passion. Countless hours are dedicated to research. Each design is thoroughly tested to confirm that functionality meets the needs of the children and adults they have been created for. Each new design is also taken through rigorous product testing to make sure it will withstand real-world use. Quality control is of highest priority for Rifton. They make sure each custom-configured product being sent out meets the specific needs of the person that will be receiving it.
Take a look at the vast range of Rifton’s products below. Everything from the Pacer, a gait trainer that allows and supports the natural rhythmic movement of the human body while walking to the HTS, the Hygiene & Toileting System that offers versatility in use beyond compare, to the always popular Adaptive Tricycles that offer just about everyone the opportunity to feel the freedom of riding. Rifton has what you are looking for manufactured with quality and durability you can count on.