- EasyStand Bantam - Extra Small & Small MobileRegular Price $7,706.00 $7,706.00Sale Price $7,009.57
Why Choose a Supine Stander?
Lying in the supine position is another way to say the person is lying on their back. The supportive surface in a supine stander is behind the person using the stander. The angle is adjustable from upright, backwards towards the horizontal. This type of stander is particularly useful for children who have severe physical limitations due to diminished strength or abnormalities in muscle tone resulting in minimal head and trunk control. The stander offers support through the full length of the body. Supine standers are also very useful for persons who have vestibular dysfunction and require a very slow progression towards upright standing. Any postural movement that the user can accomplish when attempting to move away from the supportive surface of a supine stander will improve the strength of flexor muscles located on the front of the body. Weight bearing occurs primarily through the heels in a supine stander.
Upright standing with weight bearing through the legs at an age appropriate time in a child’s development is essential, regardless of whether the child can achieve this milestone on their own. Clinical research has shown that normal development of bones and muscles in growing children requires weight bearing. In fact, standing facilitates the formation of the hip joint in early development. Respiration, circulation, digestion and ultimately a person’s overall sense of wellbeing is profoundly impacted by being given the opportunity to stand. Our staff clinicians are always delighted by the “I can do anything!” attitude that consistently develops when we help someone get up onto their feet.
Choosing the Right Supine Stander to Meet Your Needs
You will find a wide array of supine standers to choose from here at Adaptivemall .com. From the classic Theradapt Supine Stander to the modular Leckey Horizon Supine Stander. And, integrating the latest research in the field regarding standing with legs abducted (moved away from midline) is the EasyStand Zing. If you aren't sure which product is right for you, we recommend reaching out to us! Adaptivemall.com is staffed by physical and occupational therapists who are happy to provide you with custom advice.