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Taylor R

About Me

Taylor loves being at school learning with all his friends. He is now in the 2nd grade. He loves circle time, his therapy sessions & being in his walker ! He loves the freedom. He likes walking for the March of Dimes and also going to the annual Friends of Special Children picnic. Taylor has spastic quadriplegia dystonia cerebral palsy. Taylor's disability makes it difficult for him to perform simple life skills. Even with his disability Taylor is a very happy and strong little boy! He has a lot of love and support from his friends and family. He has a smile to melt your heart! He was born 15 weeks premature and stayed a long 84 days in the NICU. Taylor loves being outside. He loves blowing bubbles, playing in the park, swimming, coloring, playing on the computer or just going for a walk. He loves being the center of attention. :-) Taylor's favorite color is blue. Probably because that is Mommy's favorite color :-)Thank you to everyone that donated! Taylor is so excited!

Kiddie Pool Goal Achieved

Fun Facts
Fun facts about Taylor R.

His favorite color

His favorite community event is...Friends of Special Children

His favorite hobbies are...coloring, bubbles and taking walks with Mommy
My Need
Taylor has reached his goal!
Pool Rules

*Kiddie Pool Donations are like gift certificates. They can only be redeemed for product or credit on account with They cannot be refunded.

*An excess of funds might be in the child’s Kiddie Pool when the goal is reached. If this occurs, no refunds will be given. The funds may be used towards additional merchandise.

*The Kiddie Pool goal is based on the product and accessories current price at the time the Kiddie Pool is established and that price are guaranteed for twelve months. Actual order total is subject to change based on additional accessories chosen, size changes or price changes set by each manufacturer after twelve months. If a price increase has occurred, you have two options:

1. Increase the goal amount
2. Put acquired funds on credit with for later use

*After the goal is met and before your order is placed, will verify sizing with our staff therapists.
